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10 mM dNTP Mix

10 mM dNTP Mix

10 mM dNTP Mix
highQu dNTP sets and mixes meet all highest industry standards and allow for unrivaled performance of your PCR and other DNA synthesis, labeling or sequencing reactions. Produced under the stringent quality monitoring conditions, they guaranty reproducible results. More than 99% HPLC purity eliminates inhibitions of PCR and allows for increased yields with higher dNTP concentrations. Exceptional stability of dNTPs allows for short term ambient temperature shipments, short term room temperature s
highQu dNTP sets and mixes meet all highest industry standards and allow for unrivaled performance of your PCR and other DNA synthesis, labeling or sequencing reactions. Produced under the stringent quality monitoring conditions, they guaranty reproducible results. More than 99% HPLC purity eliminates inhibitions of PCR and allows for increased yields with higher dNTP concentrations. Exceptional stability of dNTPs allows for short term ambient temperature shipments, short term room temperature s
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

602,70 zł

Razem (brutto)


Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 1 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
1 mL
Zmień koszyk
100 mM dNTP Set

100 mM dNTP Set

NUS0101 NUS0101 | 4 x 0.25 ml (NUS0101), 4 x 1 ml (NUS0105)
100 mM dNTP Set
highQu dNTP sets and mixes meet all highest industry standards and allow for unrivaled performance of your PCR and other DNA synthesis, labeling or sequencing reactions. Produced under the stringent quality monitoring conditions, they guaranty reproducible results. More than 99% HPLC purity eliminates inhibitions of PCR and allows for increased yields with higher dNTP concentrations. Exceptional stability of dNTPs allows for short term ambient temperature shipments, short term room temperature s
highQu dNTP sets and mixes meet all highest industry standards and allow for unrivaled performance of your PCR and other DNA synthesis, labeling or sequencing reactions. Produced under the stringent quality monitoring conditions, they guaranty reproducible results. More than 99% HPLC purity eliminates inhibitions of PCR and allows for increased yields with higher dNTP concentrations. Exceptional stability of dNTPs allows for short term ambient temperature shipments, short term room temperature s
Rozmiar poduktu
4 x 0.25 ml (NUS0101), 4 x 1 ml (NUS0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

841,32 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
4 x 0.25 ml (NUS0101), 4 x 1 ml (NUS0105)
1Step RT PCR Kit

1Step RT PCR Kit

1Step RT PCR Kit
highQu 1Step RT PCR Kit combines the 20X RT and RNase Inhibitor mix for efficient reverse transcription and the 2X PCR Mastermix for subsequent amplification of cDNA in the same tube. RT2 Mix, 20X is a blend of the engineered MMuLV (stable at 40-55°C allowing for high yields of long transcripts) with an efficient Ribonuclease Inhibitor protecting the template RNA from RNases. The resulting cDNA is then amplified by the 1Step RT PCR Mastermix, 2X. The PCR mastermix contains our proprietary Hot St
highQu 1Step RT PCR Kit combines the 20X RT and RNase Inhibitor mix for efficient reverse transcription and the 2X PCR Mastermix for subsequent amplification of cDNA in the same tube. RT2 Mix, 20X is a blend of the engineered MMuLV (stable at 40-55°C allowing for high yields of long transcripts) with an efficient Ribonuclease Inhibitor protecting the template RNA from RNases. The resulting cDNA is then amplified by the 1Step RT PCR Mastermix, 2X. The PCR mastermix contains our proprietary Hot St
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

3 394,80 zł

Razem (brutto)

3 394,80

Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 1 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
100 rxn
Zmień koszyk
1Step RT qPCR Green ROX H Kit

1Step RT qPCR Green ROX H Kit

QOD0201 QOD0201 | 200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0201), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0205)
1Step RT qPCR Green ROX H Kit
highQu 1Step RT qPCR master mixes in combination with a blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT Mix) allow for a single step one tube RT qPCR. qPCR master mixes are based on the small molecular inhibitor technology Hot Start PCR allowing to achieve highest sensitivity and specificity under both standard and fast qPCR cycling conditions. They provide excellent results on both AT/GC rich templates and guaranty rapid extension with early Ct va
highQu 1Step RT qPCR master mixes in combination with a blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT Mix) allow for a single step one tube RT qPCR. qPCR master mixes are based on the small molecular inhibitor technology Hot Start PCR allowing to achieve highest sensitivity and specificity under both standard and fast qPCR cycling conditions. They provide excellent results on both AT/GC rich templates and guaranty rapid extension with early Ct va
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0201), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0205)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 458,78 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0201), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOD0205)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kit

4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kit

QOP0401 QOP0401 | 200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0401), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0405)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kit
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0401), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0405)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

2 226,30 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0401), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0405)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX H Kit

4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX H Kit

QOP0601 QOP0601 | 200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0601), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0605)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX H Kit
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0601), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0605)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

2 226,30 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0601), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0605)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX L Kit

4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX L Kit

QOP0501 QOP0501 | 200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0501), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0505)
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe ROX L Kit
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
4X 1Step RT qPCR Probe Kits are designed for sensitive detection of specific RNAs, including virus RNA, in diluted high-volume samples. They combine a robust 4X qPCR mix (with Hot Start PCR Polymerase) with a 20X blend of thermostable and extremely active Reverse Transcriptase & advanced RNase Inhibitor (RT4 Mix). This formulation allows for a high sample input volume with a reliable outcome of a single step RT qPCR when working with low copy number samples below 5 copies per reaction. 4X 1Step
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0501), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0505)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

2 226,30 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0501), 1000 reakcji po 20 µl (QOP0505)
ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase

ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase

HSE0101 HSE0101 | 500 jednostek (HSE0101), 2500 jednostek (HSE0105)
ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase
U nlock PCR Multiplexing: Robust Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase for superior PCR resul ts highQu ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase is the superior sensitive hot-start DNA polymerase. The enzyme activity at room temperature is blocked by a small molecular inhibitor. Enzyme becomes active only after heating what allows for highly specific and extremely sensitive amplification, no primer dimer formation occurs and no background appears. In combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer enzyme provides hi
U nlock PCR Multiplexing: Robust Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase for superior PCR resul ts highQu ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase is the superior sensitive hot-start DNA polymerase. The enzyme activity at room temperature is blocked by a small molecular inhibitor. Enzyme becomes active only after heating what allows for highly specific and extremely sensitive amplification, no primer dimer formation occurs and no background appears. In combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer enzyme provides hi
Rozmiar poduktu
500 jednostek (HSE0101), 2500 jednostek (HSE0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 945,86 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
500 jednostek (HSE0101), 2500 jednostek (HSE0105)
ALLin™ HS Red Taq Mastermix

ALLin™ HS Red Taq Mastermix

HSM0301 HSM0301 | 200 reakcji po 50 µl (HSM0301), 1000 rekacji po 50 µl (HSM0305)
ALLin™ HS Red Taq Mastermix
highQu ALLin™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is the superior sensitive enzyme. The activity at room temperature is blocked by small molecular inhibitor. Enzyme becomes active only after heating what allows for highly specific and extremely sensitive amplification, no primer dimer formation and no background. In combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer enzyme provides higher success rates in demanding PCR applications like amplification of crude, complex or longer templates and fast cycling. AL
highQu ALLin™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is the superior sensitive enzyme. The activity at room temperature is blocked by small molecular inhibitor. Enzyme becomes active only after heating what allows for highly specific and extremely sensitive amplification, no primer dimer formation and no background. In combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer enzyme provides higher success rates in demanding PCR applications like amplification of crude, complex or longer templates and fast cycling. AL
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (HSM0301), 1000 rekacji po 50 µl (HSM0305)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 279,20 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (HSM0301), 1000 rekacji po 50 µl (HSM0305)
ALLin™ Isothermal 1-Step RNA Amplification Kit for RNA detection

ALLin™ Isothermal 1-Step RNA Amplification Kit for RNA detection

IRK0101 IRK0101 | 100 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0105)
ALLin™ Isothermal 1-Step RNA Amplification Kit for RNA detection
ALLin™ Isothermal 1Step RNA Amplification Kit enables detection of < 5 target RNA molecules in a short time of 30 minutes without the use of PCR cycler. An RT5 Mix, the blend of a thermostable reverse transcriptase and highly efficient RNase Inhibitor is included in the kit to initially synthesize cDNA from RNA templates. The cDNA is amplified by Bst polymerase. Kit includes a 2X master mix with optimized high-performance buffer, dNTPs and a recombinant Bst Polymerase large fragment having stron
ALLin™ Isothermal 1Step RNA Amplification Kit enables detection of < 5 target RNA molecules in a short time of 30 minutes without the use of PCR cycler. An RT5 Mix, the blend of a thermostable reverse transcriptase and highly efficient RNase Inhibitor is included in the kit to initially synthesize cDNA from RNA templates. The cDNA is amplified by Bst polymerase. Kit includes a 2X master mix with optimized high-performance buffer, dNTPs and a recombinant Bst Polymerase large fragment having stron
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 399,74 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IRK0105)
ALLin™ Isothermal DNA Amplification Kit

ALLin™ Isothermal DNA Amplification Kit

IDK0101 IDK0101 | 100 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0105)
ALLin™ Isothermal DNA Amplification Kit
ALLin™ Isothermal DNA Amplification Kit enables detection of as little as 5 target DNA molecules in a short time of 20 minutes even without the use of a thermal cycler. The Kit includes a 2X master mix with optimized high-performance buffer, dNTPs and a recombinant Bst Polymerase large fragment having strong 5’ - 3’ strand displacement activity and efficient 5’-3’ polymerase activity working at 55-70°C. The Polymerase has neither 5’ - 3’ nor 3’ - 5’ exonuclease activity and retains only minor re
ALLin™ Isothermal DNA Amplification Kit enables detection of as little as 5 target DNA molecules in a short time of 20 minutes even without the use of a thermal cycler. The Kit includes a 2X master mix with optimized high-performance buffer, dNTPs and a recombinant Bst Polymerase large fragment having strong 5’ - 3’ strand displacement activity and efficient 5’-3’ polymerase activity working at 55-70°C. The Polymerase has neither 5’ - 3’ nor 3’ - 5’ exonuclease activity and retains only minor re
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 166,04 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0101), 500 reakcji po 25 µl (IDK0105)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA/PFU Polymerase: High-fidelity, fast, and efficient PCR for complex templates.

ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA/PFU Polymerase: High-fidelity, fast, and efficient PCR for complex templates.

HLE0301 HLE0301 | 100 jednostek (HLE0301), 500 jednostek (HLE0305)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA/PFU Polymerase: High-fidelity, fast, and efficient PCR for complex templates.
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Rozmiar poduktu
100 jednostek (HLE0301), 500 jednostek (HLE0305)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

646,98 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 jednostek (HLE0301), 500 jednostek (HLE0305)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Mastermix

ALLin™ Mega HiFi Mastermix

HLM0201 HLM0201 | 100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0201), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0205)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Mastermix
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0201), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0205)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 036,89 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0201), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0205)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix

ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix

HLM0301 HLM0301 | 100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0301), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0305)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Derived from our HiFi polymerase, the highQu ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. The ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate a higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HiFi DNA Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded. It is an enzyme of choice
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0301), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0305)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 036,89 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0301), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0305)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix

ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix

HLM0401 HLM0401 | 100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0405)
ALLin™ Mega HiFi Red Mastermix
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0405)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 102,08 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0405)
ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase

ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase

HLE0401 HLE0401 | 100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0405)
ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0405)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

674,04 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0401), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0405)
ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red Mastermix

ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red Mastermix

HLM0501 HLM0501 | 100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0501), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0505)
ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red Mastermix
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Ther
Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0501), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0505)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 102,08 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0501), 500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0505)
ALLin™ Red Taq Mastermix

ALLin™ Red Taq Mastermix

PCM0201 PCM0201 | 200 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0201), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0205)
ALLin™ Red Taq Mastermix
highQu ALLin™ Taq DNA Polymerase is the versatile engineered enzyme which in combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer provides higher success rates in demanding PCR applications like amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and fast cycling. ALLin™ Taq DNA Polymerase has the same PCR accuracy like Taq DNA Polymerase, 4.5 x 10^4 (a number of correct nucleotides incorporated before the error occurs) and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. The c
highQu ALLin™ Taq DNA Polymerase is the versatile engineered enzyme which in combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer provides higher success rates in demanding PCR applications like amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and fast cycling. ALLin™ Taq DNA Polymerase has the same PCR accuracy like Taq DNA Polymerase, 4.5 x 10^4 (a number of correct nucleotides incorporated before the error occurs) and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. The c
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0201), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0205)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

646,98 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0201), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (PCM0205)
ALLin™ RPH Mastermix

ALLin™ RPH Mastermix

HLM0101 HLM0101 | 200 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0101), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0105)
ALLin™ RPH Mastermix
highQu ALLin™ RPH Polymerase (Robust, Proofreading, Hot-start Polymerase) is the versatile engineered enzyme combining best polymerase properties for excellence in most demanding PCR applications, like low copy detection, long or high fidelity PCR, amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and multiplexing. ALLin™ RPH Polymerase has 5 times higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. The convenience of ALLin™ RP
highQu ALLin™ RPH Polymerase (Robust, Proofreading, Hot-start Polymerase) is the versatile engineered enzyme combining best polymerase properties for excellence in most demanding PCR applications, like low copy detection, long or high fidelity PCR, amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and multiplexing. ALLin™ RPH Polymerase has 5 times higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. The convenience of ALLin™ RP
Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0101), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 642,05 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
200 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0101), 1000 reakcji po 50 µl (HLM0105)
ALLin™ RPH Polymerase

ALLin™ RPH Polymerase

HLE0101 HLE0101 | 250 jednostek (HLE0101), 1250 jednostek (HLE0105)
ALLin™ RPH Polymerase
highQu ALLin™ RPH Polymerase (Robust, Proofreading, Hot-start Polymerase) is the versatile engineered enzyme combining best polymerase properties for excellence in most demanding PCR applications, like low copy detection, long or high fidelity PCR, amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and multiplexing. ALLin™ RPH Polymerase has 5 times higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. For the maximum convenience
highQu ALLin™ RPH Polymerase (Robust, Proofreading, Hot-start Polymerase) is the versatile engineered enzyme combining best polymerase properties for excellence in most demanding PCR applications, like low copy detection, long or high fidelity PCR, amplification of complex templates, crude sample PCR and multiplexing. ALLin™ RPH Polymerase has 5 times higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors. For the maximum convenience
Rozmiar poduktu
250 jednostek (HLE0101), 1250 jednostek (HLE0105)
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 296,42 zł

Rozmiar poduktu
250 jednostek (HLE0101), 1250 jednostek (HLE0105)
Dodano do koszyka
Dodano do koszyka