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SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit

Availability: In Stock availability graphics
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80 reactions of 50 µL (DPK0101)
total 638,37
subtotal 519,00
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Quantity cannot be more than 999999
80 rxn
400 reactions of 50 µL (DPK0105)
total 2 592,84
subtotal 2 108,00
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Quantity cannot be more than 999999
400 rxn
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Product Description

SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit is a premium tool for a fast direct  PCR  eliminating the need of tedious template purification.
The kit is excellent for direct  PCR  from mouse tail or ear, mammalian tissues, hair follicle, buccal swabs and blood.

Rapid 15 min DNA extraction using DPK Lysis and Protease Buffers in a single tube generates PCR template extract which is further amplified under fast cycling conditions with a hot-start Taq master mix that includes red dye for direct gel loading.


In a 2% agarose TAE gel the red dye migrates with ~ 350 bp DNA, in 1% agarose TAE gel with ~ 600 bp DNA fragments.

The ALLin™ HS Red Taq Mastermix includes a hot start Taq DNA Polymerase what ensures high yield, specific,
low background amplification. Mix components allow for a fast PCR cycling and increase success when working
with complex templates or multiplexing. Generated A-tailed PCR products are suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors,

sequencing and other applications.Performing direct PCR using any direct PCR kit, and especially the hoighQu SampleIN™
Direct PCR Kit offers a convenient and efficient approach for amplifying DNA without the need for prior DNA extraction

or purification steps. Here are the steps to successfully perform direct PCR using our PCR kit:

Sample preparation:  Collect the sample to be used directly in PCR. This can include various sample types such as bacteria colony,
mammalian tissue, mammalian blood, or plant material. Ensure proper handling and storage conditions to maintain sample integrity.
The less the better, as overloading the reaction with the crude sample material may inhibit the PCR reaction.

PCR reaction setup:  Perform short sample lysis with the reagents supplied in the PCR Kit, and prepare the PCR reaction mix according
to the manufacturer's instructions. Add only primers to the reaction mix with your lysed template material, as the dNTPs, buffer
and the PCR enzyme is already included in the master mix supplied with the PCR kit.

PCR cycling:  Set up the PCR cycling program according to the desired amplification conditions. Optimize the annealing temperature
and extension time based on the primers and target amplicon size.

PCR analysis:  After completing the PCR cycling, analyse the PCR products using gel electrophoresis, the loading dye is premixed
with the PCR master mix, so you do not need to add any before loading the samples on the gel.




Direct PCR without template purification.

Mouse genotyping and knockout analysis.

Direct PCR from blood, mouse tail or ear, mammalian tissues (including FFPE).

Direct PCR from hair follicle, buccal swabs, plant samples.




Ready-to load PCR in 50 minutes without template purification.

Single-tube 15 min DNA extraction combined with fast hot-start PCR.

Red dye in the PCR master mix for direct gel loading.

High yields under standard or fast cycling conditions.

Success with GC/AT rich templates.



Product Features

  • Height
    0 cm
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    0 cm
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    0 cm