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PROseen™ qPCR Probe Mix

Availability: In Stock availability graphics
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200 reactions of 20 µL (PQSM.200)
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200 rxn
1000 reactions of 20 µL (PQSM.1000)
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1000 rxn

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Product Description

Introducing the PROseen™ qPCR Probe Mix, an innovative solution designed to transform your quantitative PCR (qPCR) experiments.

With a focus on enhancing visibility and tracking, this advanced mix empowers your molecular biology research with precision

and convenience.
PROseen™ qPCR Probe Mix features an inert blue dye that significantly improves sample visibility. With this, you can easily distinguish between your samples, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing the overall efficiency of your experiments.
The blue dye used in this mix is inert and non-reactive with biological samples, ensuring that it won't affect the performance

or integrity of your qPCR reactions.


Work with amplicons in a range of 80-200, max 400 bp.
Take typical measures to prevent PCR cross over contamination, keep your bench clean, wear gloves, use sterile tubes and filter pipet tips.
Run reactions in triplets; include a no-template control and positive control in parallel.
Thaw and keep reagents on ice. Mix well before use.
Do not perform annealing/extension for more than 30 seconds and do not use lower than 60 °C temperature for this step.




Quantitative PCR (qPCR) tests relying on specialized probes like TaqMan®, Molecular Beacons, or Scorpions™ Probes.


Analysis of gene expression, quantitative measurement of genomic DNA (gDNA), complementary DNA (cDNA),

viral DNA, and genes with a low copy number.




Versatile - suitable for both conventional and rapid cycling, in all probe-based qPCR assays.


Quantitative PCR (qPCR) for templates rich in either GC or AT content, for single-plex
and multiplex analysis.


Rapid extension, low Ct values.


Delivered with PCR-grade water.


Non-reactive blue dye to improve sample visibility and monitoring.



Product Features

  • Height
    0 cm
  • Length
    0 cm
  • Width
    0 cm