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IBIDI® Collagen Type I, rat tail, 5 mg/mll, non-pepsinized,

Availability: In Stock availability graphics
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50201 (1 x 5 mL)
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50202 (4 x 5 mL)
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50203 (1 x 100 mL)
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Product Description

A high-quality rat tail collagen type I solution for cell culture applications (e.g., 3D gels, scaffolds, and coating).

Provides & nbsp; in vivo</em>-like extracellular matrix (ECM) structures

Non-pepsinized, native collagen for modelling biological ECM in gel matrices

Fast polymerization facilitates optimal cell distribution in 3D gels


  • 3D cell culture in vivo - like matrices
  • Live cell imaging in a 3D environment
  • Creating a 3D scaffold for organoids and spheroids
  • Cell migration assays of suspension cells (e.g., leukocytes)
  • Coating of cell culture vessels with a thin collagen layer to promote cell attachment
  • Cell differentiation studies in a 2D versus 3D environment<
  • Highly suited for fluorescence microscopy due to low autofluorescence


Product Features

  • Symbol
  • Height
    0 cm
  • Length
    0 cm
  • Width
    0 cm