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EffiGreen™ RT qPCR KIT

Availability: In Stock availability graphics
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200 reactions of 20 µL (OST02G.200)
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200 rxn
1000 reactions of 20 µL (OST02G.1000)
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1000 rxn

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Product Description

EffiGreen™ RT qPCR KIT is a combination of 1Step RT qPCR Mastermix,

thermostable and unusually active reverse transcriptase with RNase inhibitors.

All processes in one step, in one tube!

Thanks to using a Hot Start PCR technology you may achieve the highest sensitivity

and specificity in both standard and quick qPCR cycles. These components provide excellent results

when using CG and AT rich templates and guarantee rapid extension and early achievement

of the threshold cycle (Ct) with minimal or no optimization.




EffiGreen™ RT qPCR KIT finds an appliance in analysis of relative gene expression,

absolute quantification of any RNA template (mRNA, total RNA, viral RNA), also in case of low copies number.


The kit can be used in qPCR analyse based on intercalating dye fluorescence on low ROX calibrated instruments.




The highest sensitivity of analysis.


Possibility of running the reverse transcription and qPCR reaction in one tube.

Guarantee rapid extension and early achievement of the threshold cycle (Ct).


The kit finds an universal appliance in both standard and quick qPCR cycles,

as well as in using of GC or AT rich templates.


Combination of thermostable reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor ensure extraordinary efficiency of cDNA synthesis.


What does EffiGreen™ RT qPCR KIT include?


Pack of 200 reactions / 20 µL:


2 x 1 mL – 1Step RT qPCR Green ROX L Mix, 2X (includes Hot Start Taq polymerase, deoxynucleotides

with 0.25 mM concentration, optimized buffers, low ROX concentration)


2 x 0.2 mL – RT3 Mix, 20X (connection of MMuLV reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor)


2 x 1 mL – PCR water


Pack of 1000 reactions / 20 µL:


10 x 1 mL – 1Step RT qPCR Green ROX L Mix, 2X (includes Hot Start Taq polymerase, deoxynucleotides

with 0.25 mM concentration, optimized buffers, low ROX concentration)


10 x 0.2 mL – RT3 Mix, 20X (connection of MMuLV reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor)


10 x 1 mL – PCR water


Kit should be storage at - 20°C in the dark.



Product Features

  • Height
    0 cm
  • Length
    0 cm
  • Width
    0 cm