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Bezpośrednia surowa próbka PCR - Direct Crude Sample PCR

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SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit

SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit

DPK0101 DPK0101 | 80 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0101), 400 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0105)
SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit
SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit is a premium tool for a fast direct PCR eliminating the need of tedious template purification. The kit is excellent for direct PCR from mouse tail or ear, mammalian tissues, hair follicle, buccal swabs and blood. Rapid 15 min DNA extraction using DPK Lysis and Protease Buffers in a single tube generates PCR template extract which is further amplified under fast cycling conditions with a hot-start Taq master mix that includes red dye for direct gel loading. In a 2% agaros
SampleIN™ Direct PCR Kit is a premium tool for a fast direct PCR eliminating the need of tedious template purification. The kit is excellent for direct PCR from mouse tail or ear, mammalian tissues, hair follicle, buccal swabs and blood. Rapid 15 min DNA extraction using DPK Lysis and Protease Buffers in a single tube generates PCR template extract which is further amplified under fast cycling conditions with a hot-start Taq master mix that includes red dye for direct gel loading. In a 2% agaros
Rozmiar poduktu
80 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0101), 400 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0105)
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Rozmiar poduktu
80 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0101), 400 reakcji po 50 µl (DPK0105)
Dodano do koszyka
Dodano do koszyka