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5 ml (RE005S)
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5 mL
50 ml (RE050S)
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50 mL
250 ml (RE250S)
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250 mL
500 ml (RE500S)
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500 mL

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Opis towaru

Magnetic beads based reagent for manual and automated Sanger sequencing reaction clean-up

for both ABI and MegaBACE sequencing platforms.




Sanger sequencing reaction clean-up / dye terminator removal for:

Sanger sequencing on ABI platforms

Sanger sequencing on MegaBACE platforms




Rapid and reliable clean-up of sequencing reactions

High DNA recovery yields, long sequence readings

Flexible - can be used in any format

No centrifugation step, no filtration step

Adaptable to common liquid handling workstations




Main functions

Removes unincorporated dye terminators from Sanger sequencing reactions

Starting material (Sample matrix)

DNA, PCR products, cDNA, gDNA

Starting amount


Process method

Manual or automation

Purification method

Magnetic bead-based technology


Sanger sequencing on ABI platforms and MegaBACE platforms

Elution Volume

15 uL and above


Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm