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Proteinase K MBG Solution, 20 mg/ml

Rozmiar poduktu
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1 ml (PRK0101)
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Zapytaj o cenę
1 mL
5 ml (PRK0105)
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Zapytaj o cenę
5 mL

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Opis towaru

Proteinase K (Molecular Biology Grade Solution) is a serine peptidase with a very high specific activity

and a broad spectrum of protein digestion possibilities.


The solution is designed to be used for protein degradation (up to tetrapeptides) during the cell lysis

and RNA/DNA extraction procedures under hush reaction conditions such as the higher temperatures

and the presence of detergents. The enzyme efficiently degrades DNases and RNases during nucleic acid isolation process.

The high purity of the Proteinase K and controlled absence of both DNAse and RNase contamination ensures the integrity of nucleic acids.


The 100% enzyme activity (when stored at -20°C) is guaranteed for at least two years after production.

However, the experiments proved that the proteinase remains close to 90% active even when stored at +37°C for 18 months.


The enzyme is supplied as a 20 mg/ml concentrated solution with an average specific activity of more than 800 u/ml.


Active in all common buffers used for cell lysis and RNA/DNA extraction, in a presence of urea,

SDS and guanidinium salts


Stable at high temperature of up to 56°C


Can be inactivated by heating at 65oC for 20 minutes or at 75oC for 10 minutes


Active in a pH range of 4–12 with an optimum pH 7.5–8.0


The Proteinase K gene from album expressed in yeast host


The quality limit of allowed host DNA presence is ≤ 0.25 pg/U measured by qPCR

what is about a half when compared to other suppliers.


Unit Definition


Folin & Ciocalteu’s method - One unit is required to hydrolyze urea-denaturated hemoglobin producing color equivalent

of 1 μmol tyrosine in 1 minute at 37°C and pH 7.5, 1 U = 1 m Anson U.




Protein hydrolysis

DNAse and RNase decontamination

Protein degradation during the procedures of:

Tissue/Cell lysis

DNA extraction




Recombinant broad spectrum, non-specific protease

Ready-to-use solution with a very high specific activity

Economical and stable for weeks at ambient temperature

Robust, works well at a wide variety of reaction conditions: up to 56oC and in a presence of urea, SDS and guanidinium salts

Safe – DNase and RNase free to ensure integrity of isolated NA

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