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Cena netto
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QPD0301)
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Zapytaj o cenę
200 rxn
200 reakcji po 20 µl (QPD0301)
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Zapytaj o cenę
1000 rxn

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Opis towaru

High Resolution Melting analysis (HRM) is a fast and simple technique for identification of DNA sequence variations.

It allows identifying single nucleotide differences by detecting minor changes in qPCR melting curves.

highQu ORA™ HRM qPCR Mix includes a proprietary intercalating saturating dye showing no inhibition for PCR.

The dye has the same affinity for both AT or GC rich sequences what leads to highest accuracy in genotyping.

The hot-start function in the mix is based on the small molecular inhibitor technology and allows achieving highest sensitivity

and specificity under both standard and fast qPCR cycling conditions. The mix provides excellent performance on both AT

and GC rich templates and reliable results with minimum or no optimization.

Our master mixes are supplied with PCR Water to guaranty the best performance.




High Resolution Melting analysis (HRM).

Detection of sequence variations.

SNP genotyping.

Methylation analysis.

Mutation scanning.




Time and costs saving analysis of sequence variations.

Universal - standard or fast cycling, GC or AT rich templates.

Highest sensitivity, no optimization required.

Supplied with PCR Water for maximum convenience.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm