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One-Tube Hair DNA Extraction Kit

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50 Preps
brutto 528,90
netto 430,00
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Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
50 Preps
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Opis towaru

One-Tube Hair DNA Extraction Kit: The kit provides a simple and fast method for isolation of genomic DNA from hair and other forensic samples such as saliva, nail and dried blood.

The kit includes Proteinase K and other reagents to break up most tissue samples as well as to remove proteins and other components from the DNA.

There is no need for phenol extraction, overnight digestion, DNA precipitation or column purification; the lysate can be use as PCR template directly.

The one tube manipulation minimizes the crosscontamination between specimens.

Purified Hair DNA can be used for PCR and other downstream applications including PCR and real-time PCR, Southern blotting and SNP genotyping.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm