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Kity do oczyszczania DNA

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96-Well Plate DNA Cleanup Mini-Preps Kit

96-Well Plate DNA Cleanup Mini-Preps Kit

BS3692 BS3692 | 2 x Plates, 5 x Plates
96-Well Plate DNA Cleanup Mini-Preps Kit
BS3692 BioBasic 96-Well Plate DNA Cleanup Mini-Preps Kit
BS3692 BioBasic 96-Well Plate DNA Cleanup Mini-Preps Kit
Wielkość opakowania
2 x Plates, 5 x Plates
Bio Basic Inc.
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

1 733,07 zł

Wielkość opakowania
2 x Plates, 5 x Plates
EZ-10 Cleanup Minipreps Kit

EZ-10 Cleanup Minipreps Kit

BS367 BS367 | 50 Preps, 100 Preps, 250 Preps
EZ-10 Cleanup Minipreps Kit
BS367 EZ-10 Spin Column DNA Cleanup Miniprep Kit: This DNA Cleanup kit provides a simple, efficient method for purification of DNA fragments from variable enzymatic reactions such as cDNA synthesis, ligation, restriction enzyme digestions, tailing, PCR*, alkaline phosphatase, nick translation, due terminators products from PCR** reaction mixture. It is also an ideal tool to desalt solution of DNA as well as to remove residual organic solvents or unincorporated nucleotides or primers (<40-mer) f
BS367 EZ-10 Spin Column DNA Cleanup Miniprep Kit: This DNA Cleanup kit provides a simple, efficient method for purification of DNA fragments from variable enzymatic reactions such as cDNA synthesis, ligation, restriction enzyme digestions, tailing, PCR*, alkaline phosphatase, nick translation, due terminators products from PCR** reaction mixture. It is also an ideal tool to desalt solution of DNA as well as to remove residual organic solvents or unincorporated nucleotides or primers (<40-mer) f
Wielkość opakowania
50 Preps, 100 Preps, 250 Preps
Bio Basic Inc.
Dostępny Zapytaj o dostępność
Czas dostępności
Zapytaj o dostępność

487,08 zł

Wielkość opakowania
50 Preps, 100 Preps, 250 Preps
Dodano do koszyka
Dodano do koszyka