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EZ-10 Ultra-Fast 96-Well Plate Plasmid DNA Mini-Preps Kit

Wielkość opakowania
Cena brutto
Cena netto
2 x Plates
brutto 1 733,07
netto 1 409,00
Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
5 x Plates
brutto 3 463,68
netto 2 816,00
Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
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Opis towaru

This kit is designed for one step plasmid DNA purification from bacterial culture in a 96-well high throughput format.

Using one buffer solution and replacing traditional three-buffer system, the kit releases plasmid DNA rapidly from bacterial culture.

Although the yield of the recovered plasmid DNA is slightly lower than that from regular 96-Well Plate Kits, it is simpler and faster.

Bacterial cultures are lysed and the lysates are directly loaded onto membrane of each column in a 96- Well plate.

Plasmid DNA is selectively bound onto the 96-well plate and other impurities are washed away.

Pure plasmid DNA is eluted in Elution buffer or water, and can be readily used for many downstream applications.

This kit is used for preparation of up to 6-8 ug of pure plasmid DNA.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm