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EZ-10 Total RNA Minipreps Kit

Kod towaru
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2 079,93
1 691,00
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Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 1 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
50 Preps
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Opis towaru

EZ-10 Total RNA Miniprep Kit (with Proteinase K):The EZ-10 Total RNA Mini-Preps Kit allows efficient purification of total RNA from various samples,

total RNA is easily purified from animal or human cells and tissues using a simple spin format.

Biological samples are first lysed and homogenized in denaturing guanidine-containing buffer (Buffer RLT), which immediately inactivates DNases and RNases as well as proteases to ensure isolation of intact RNA.

RNA in the whole homogenate is selectively absorbed on EZ-10 Spin Column, all protein and other components are removed in the flow-through. Remaining contaminants and salts are efficiently washed away.

Purified RNA is eluted in RNase-free water has OD260/OD280 ratios of 1.9 - 2.1 and is ideal for use in most downstream applications including Northern blotting, RT-PCR, Quantitative PCR, Poly (A) RNA selection and Array analysis.

Cechy towaru

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