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EZ-10 Spin Column Plant Genomic DNA Mini-Preps Kit

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100 Preps
brutto 1 172,19
netto 953,00
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Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
100 Preps
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Opis towaru

The kit provides a simple and convenient technique to isolate high quality DNA from plants using a rapid spin-column format.

DNA of cell lysates is selectively bound to the spin column and other impurities such as proteins and salts do not bind to the column and are eliminated in flow through.

No phenol extraction and ethanol precipitations are required.

Purified genomic DNA is 20-50 kb in length.

Purified DNA is suitable for downstream applications such as Restriction Endonuclease Digestions, PCR, and other applications.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm