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EZ-10 Spin Column Fungal RNA Mini-Preps Kit

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50 Preps
brutto 1 041,81
netto 847,00
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Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 999999
Ilosć musi być nie większa niż 999999
50 Preps
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Opis towaru

The kit is designed for preparation of high quality total RNA from a wide range of fungal species.

Fungal samples are lysed and homogenized by Buffer Rlysis-FG.

RNA in the whole homogeneity is selectively absorbed on spin column and other impurities are washed away.

Total RNA is eluted from the membrane in the presence of RNase-Free Water in the final step.

3-5 μg total RNA can be purified from 30 mg filamentous fungi using this kit.

Purified RNA is ready for most downstream applications such as RT-PCR, Northern Blotting, Poly A+ purification, nuclease protection and in vitro translation.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm