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ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase

Rozmiar poduktu
Cena brutto
Cena netto
100 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0401)
Zapytaj o cenę
Zapytaj o cenę
100 rxn
500 reakcji po 50 µl (HLE0405)
Zapytaj o cenę
Zapytaj o cenę
500 rxn

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Opis towaru

highQu ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase provides much lower error rate PCR with a 100 higher fidelity

compared to Taq. Compared to Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows for even higher sensitivity

and specificity of PCR as well as for a room temperature reaction setup, and is excellent choice for multiplex

reactions. The ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Polymerase is engineered to be much faster and to generate higher

yield of long PCR products up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore the ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA

Polymerase is an excellent choice for longer and very complex PCR applications where the highest fidelity is demanded.

It is an enzyme of choice for cloning and all kind of sequencing applications including NGS. Generated blunt-ended PCR

products are suitable for ligation into blunt vectors. 

For maximum convenience, the ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Mastermix, 2X (HLM0401)

and ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red Mastermix, 2X (HLM0501) are available.




Sequencing, including NGS library preparation.

Hot start PCR, multiplexing.

Fast high-fidelity PCR (up to 100 x Taq).

Long PCR up to 20 kb.

Amplification of complex (GC/AT rich) templates.

Blunt-end cloning and other applications.




Hot start enzyme for increased sensitivity and great multiplex results.

Fast, high yield PCR with the fidelity 100x higher than Taq.

Up to 20 kb long PCR even from complex templates.

Increased processivity for faster amplification and higher yield.

High thermostability for better denaturation of GC rich templates.

Best choice for NGS library prep. and other sequencing applications.

Cechy towaru

  • Wysokość
    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm